CHALLENGE: It’s 2003. Blogs are a new, powerful medium for news and self-expression. Los Angeles, one of the world’s great cities, needs a user-driven content community. Build it.
APPROACH: Set up an open-source CMS (pre-WordPress). Establish core content categories: Culture, Drive, Environment, Media, Neighborhoods, Power. Recruit friends to help blog in each category, set the tone and populate the site. Open it to the city, and cultivate relationships with users as they join in creating fresh content daily.
RESULT: operated for six years as one of the two or three most-followed all-city blogs in Los Angeles. It won 2nd Place – “Best Weblog,” in the 2005 L.A. Press Club’s 47th So. California Journalism Awards – and 1st Place in the 2006 competition. Named one of Los Angeles Magazine’s “Sites to Bookmark.”